Coding Outreach

  • Helping the competition

    We will participate in a coding competition once a year with students who have received coding training and finished level 3. I want to help them gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Create apps for school

    We will use our talents to try to solve the needs or problems of schools and communities. The app “LostLINK”we produced can be downloaded from the App Store.

  • Create apps for community

    We will use our talents to try to solve the needs or problems of schools and communities. The app “Naloxon”we produced can be downloaded from the App Store.

  • Create Poster for community

    We will use our talents to try to solve the needs or problems of schools and communities

Students from Malaysia supported by mentor children held a painting exhibition. We will make a product with their paintings and sell it to make a fund.

Create a video for Society

We are interested in social issues and looking for ways to help in a good way. If there is any place to be supportive, we will use Sns to cheer them up.